"If a task is worth doing more than once, it's worth automating."
-- Rando Lazy Programmer

We were recently contacted with a straight-forward request: replace a portion of all file names in a given directory with an alternate name. For only a few items, one could opt to manually rename each file. At a certain point, though, the time spent carrying out a repetitive task is better invested in figuring out a way to automate it.

In the spirit of automation, then, here's a Bash one-liner :

for file in *; do mv -v "$file" "${file/find_string/replace_string}"; done

which iterates through the contents of a directory, searching for a filename that contains the find_string. Once a match is found, the mv command operates verbosely, replacing the find_string with the replace_string in the filename. This process occurs again until all matching files have been renamed.

If all that is a bit much, take a look at a before:

MACSTER:SF_spdist2_TEST geekberg$ tree

and an after:

MACSTER:SF_spdist2_TEST geekberg$ tree

Here's to hoping this one-liner can save someone a few minutes (or hours!) of work so that they can focus on automating the next task repetitive task.
